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Reprocessing... Piano & AI (2023-)

with Josep Maria Comajuncoses and Philippe Salembier

a collaborative improvisation between the human pianist and the AI system


PART (2021)

by Tanit Plana & Candela Capitán

Investigations (2018)

by Christian Marclay

Deep Ressonance (2016)

audiovisual performance with sound artist Edu Comelles and digital designer Román Torre 



inspired in the engraving series DIGITAL PIANO PLAYER by Manuel Barrios and Masafumi Yamamoto


Relecturas #1 - F. Schubert, Phantasie in

F moll (2014)

interactive audiovisual installation by Alberto Bernal





Untitled performance#3 für 3 Tastatursolisten (2010) by Johannes Kreidler

An Hour for Piano (1971)

by Tom Johnson


Splitten (gemeinsam) (2008/10/13)

by Lindheimer/Ahrendt 

Dirty white fields (2002)

by Jennifer Walsche

Pianistin, eine Aufnahme "elektronischer Klänge" von Stockhausen anhörend" (2006)

by Michael Dreyer, together with Otto Kränzler

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